Critical Questions That Young Adult Men Should Ask About Circumcision

Critical Questions That Young Adult Men Should Ask About Circumcision

23 February 2022
 Categories: , Blog

Although mothers are often advised to take their boys for circumcision when they are still young, it does not always happen. The advantages of early circumcision include faster healing, better hygiene and reduced urinary tract infections. However, it should not discourage uncircumcised young adults from going under the knife. However, you need to clarify a few things before booking an appointment with a physician. This article highlights critical questions young adults should ask about circumcision.

Should You Be Worried About Erections? — Young adult men are sexually active, and erections are common, particularly in the morning. Since the penis bulges and pulls the skin tight, most young men are worried the stitches might rip off and open the sutured wound. However, erections are the last thing you should be concerned about when circumcised. The twinge you feel as the skin pulls the stitches in enough to cause an erection to subside. Moreover, erections cause minimal discomfort, not severe pain or bleeding. Alternatively, you can take a brief walk to divert blood from the penis to the active muscles in your legs. An erection will subside after a few minutes of walking.

Can You Wear Normal Clothes? — Since you will only have a bandage on your penis for a day or two, you should think about caring for the incisions during recovery. Most young men think they can still wear their regular clothing, but it is not the case. A healing circumcised penis requires a lot of aeration to accelerate recovery. Therefore, you must stay away from tight briefs, shorts, or trousers. Loose clothing is ideal because it limits friction between the fabric and the penis, preventing occasional injuries. However, if your job requires that you wear snug-fitting clothes to work, you need to ask for a week off to recover. There is no need to go to work wearing tight-fitting clothes because it only prolongs the healing process.

Any Difficulties With Urinating? — How easy is it to urinate after circumcision? Many young adults don't think about the issue when they leave a clinic, only to find themselves stranded in a restroom, not knowing what to do. Although a bandage must stay on for the duration recommended by the physician, it should not interfere with your urge to urinate. Unfortunately, some young men avoid drinking fluids to limit their urge to urinate. However, doing so only causes dehydration, the last thing you want as your circumcised penis heals. Most importantly, a physician will bandage the wound in a manner that makes urinating easy.