Answers To Commonly Asked Questions Post Tummy Tuck Procedure

Answers To Commonly Asked Questions Post Tummy Tuck Procedure

23 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

An abdominoplasty is, decidedly, one of the top cosmetic procedures that people opt for when looking to slim down their belly. Primarily carried out to get rid of extra fat tissue and excessive skin around the abdominal area, a tummy tuck leaves the patient with a contoured body for increased self-confidence. It is also worth noting that when carried out by a reputable cosmetic surgeon, this procedure can also provide the patient with health benefits such as increased core strength, and this can help promote a healthier lifestyle if you work out to maintain stability and balance.

Nonetheless, with the massive benefits that this type of surgery offers, it can be easy to get ahead of oneself and forget to prepare for the post-surgery healing. To help you get ready for this period, here are answers to commonly asked questions post tummy tuck procedure.

Can you take care of yourself while healing from the tummy tuck?

The answer is no. As aforementioned, this procedure focuses solely on your abdominal area, which means you will be unable to do any heavy lifting for several weeks as you recover. During that period, you will need to have your partner, family member or even a friend take care of tasks such as cooking and cleaning. You should also remember that part of your aftercare instructions will include sitting and lying down in specific positions to minimise tearing. Thus, you will help when positioning yourself in bed. Lastly, you will need someone to drive you to the hospital for your follow-up visits to the doctor.

Are the results of the tummy tuck visible immediately?

Although you will feel a difference in the weight you are carrying around your mid-section, depending on how heavy you were, the results will not be apparent immediately. For starters, you will experience a degree of swelling, redness and even bruising, but this is not something to alarm you. Contingent on fast you heal, these after-effects will fade away in a matter of a few days to several weeks. Therefore, you can expect to see your desired post-surgery results months after the procedure.

Will the tummy tuck aid in weight loss?

Contrary to popular belief, a tummy tuck is not going to help you lose weight. Granted, the procedure does eliminate fat and loose skin while tightening your abdominal muscles. But if you do not take measures to keep the weight off, you will gain it back and negate the results of the cosmetic procedure. Hence, in addition to it not aiding in weight loss, it is also vital that you take measures to maintain the results once you heal by engaging in the right exercises and sticking to a healthy and nutritious diet.

If you're interested in learning more about tummy tucks, contact a cosmetic procedure company today.