3 Anti-Wrinkle Procedures That Can Enhance Your Look

3 Anti-Wrinkle Procedures That Can Enhance Your Look

13 October 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Everyone wants to have a smooth and supple skin that will last until their old age. However, without the right care and skin protection techniques, your skin is bound to lose its elasticity, colour, and lustre because of the UV rays, hormonal changes, and the breakdown of collagen fibres.

Fortunately, there are natural and artificial treatments that can maintain the natural beauty and elasticity of your skin. While it is true that you cannot stop signs of aging completely, these treatments will help you reduce the effects of the environment and your diet on your skin and turn back the clock a little. Here are three anti-wrinkle treatments that you should give a try.

1. Botox Therapy

Botox is one of the most popular skin treatments in the market. It works by relaxing the muscles of the area where you apply it to prevent your skin from becoming wrinkled. Botox treatments are simple, and there is no recovery time after the treatment. However, it takes a few days to see the results of the treatment. Once the effects of the injection kick in, they will last for three or four months before you need another injection.

2. The Use of Dermabrasion and Micro-dermabrasion

Your skin cells naturally renew themselves every three months. However, if your skin has suffered sun damage, age spots, or wrinkles, you can speed up the peeling process using a small rotating brush in a process known as dermabrasion.

The brush removes the outer layer of the skin and leaves behind the inner, pink layer. The skin left will be a little sensitive and sore for a while, but it will be youthful and blemish-free later. If you have deep scars from injury or acne, you may need more than one treatment. Also, you will need time off work as you recover. You might also want to try micro-dermabrasion as it is less harsh on the skin.

3. Peeling Your Skin Using Safe Chemicals

Chemical peels are also quite effective against signs of aging. Here, a mild acid is applied to your skin to remove the topmost layer of the skin and leaves behind new, fresh, and smooth skin within. Your skin will only take a few days to recover from the procedure, but the results last longer.

These are the common anti-wrinkle and anti-aging treatments that a professional dermatologist can offer. Reach out to a professional for more information about anti-wrinkle treatments